
Customer Comments about Rose Office Systems

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Westside Medical Clinic

Larry Tucker

Larry Tucker, FNP, of Westside Medical Clinic in Sumner, Mississippi, relates his personal experience working with Rose Office Systems to build a custom rural medical clinic in a modular building. The speed, efficiency and strength of the construction are all benefits of buying a modular building.

Westwood Baptist Church

Jack Roberts

Westwood Baptist Church purchased a 9,200 square feet modular complex from Rose Office Systems in 2008. In 2013, Jack Roberts relates his personal experience working with the Rose Office Systems team of professionals to construct a 9,200 square feet modular complex for Sunday school classrooms and church offices at Westwood Baptist Church in Alabaster, Alabama.

Operation Blessing International

Bill Horan, President & COO

“In a world where so few keep their word and deliver on promises, it has been a real pleasure to do business with Rose Office Systems.”

University of Mississippi Medical Center, Dept of Emergency Medicine

Gil Trest, Project Specialist

"The best part is from first talking with Garry to actually occupying the building was less than 6 months. Garry delivers and supports a very high quality product."

Fabex, Inc.

Sammy Daigle, Office Manager

Sammy Daigle of Fabex, Inc., in Zachary, Louisiana, relates his positive experience working with Rose Office Systems to build the Fabex administrative offices in a modular building.